How to Treat Hair Loss in Black Women & Even Promote New Hair Growth! – Rennora Beauty

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How to Treat Hair Loss in Black Women - and Even Promote New Hair Growth!

How to Treat Hair Loss in Black Women

There is nothing quite like the gut-wrenching feeling of realizing your hair is starting to fall out. Whether you're young or old, it can flip your world upside down as you no longer feel confident in your own skin. Even those who don't feel defined by their hair are desperate to learn how to treat hair loss in black women.

Fortunately, you've come to the right place. We're here to help you figure out what exactly is contributing to your hair fall, and the options you have at your disposal to make this problem a thing of the past.

As the most trusted source for all your African American hair health questions, it's time to take a deep breath and relax. You're in good hands - and by the time you finish reading this article, you'll be well on your way to restoring the healthy hair you once had!

What Contributes to Hair Loss in Black Women?

We recently wrote a complete guide on what causes black women's hair loss. We highly recommend you read the full resource to nail down the culprit of your hair fall woes. However, we'll summarize the most common causes below:

  • Hormonal changes - There are so many reasons your hormones change over time - maybe you're going through menopause, or perhaps you've become pregnant. The hormone that contributes to hair loss is called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and an excess of this hormone can lead to hair loss.
  • Genetics - If your mother, aunt, grandmother, or other female relative has had thinning hair or bald patches, the chances are high that you will too. This is because genetics play a huge role in how our bodies develop - and unfortunately, hair is one of the physical traits that does get passed down. Learn more in our article on genetics & hair loss.
  • Stress - Stress can take an immense toll on your body, especially when it's chronic. If you're overly stressed, this could be leading to hair fall and thinning of the strands. 
  • Poor nutrition - Eating an unhealthy diet can also be a major contributor to hair fall in black women. In order to have strong, healthy hair, you need to ensure your body is getting all the essential nutrients it needs. Similarly, you must avoid certain ingredients that can wreak havoc on your hair health.
  • Your hair care regimen (or lack thereof) - Your black hair needs very specific care, including washing it, conditioning it, trimming split ends, applying oil treatments, and more. The manner in which you do these things - and the products you use to do them - could be contributing to your hair loss.

As you can see, there are quite a few causes of hair loss. The tricky part is figuring out which is afflicting you. Chances are, it's not just one cause. It could be a combination of these things. The good news? We've got the solutions you've been searching for. Here is how to treat hair loss in black women...

How to Treat Hair Loss in Black Women

There are many different options available for how to treat hair loss in black women. However, we're only going to discuss the ones that we know to be effective and safe. The hair care industry is riddled with treatments that overpromise and underdeliver - but the solutions below will prove invaluable along your journey to making hair loss a concern of the past. First, let's talk about educating yourself.

Learn What Your Hair Needs

The key to treating any type of hair problem is understanding what your hair needs - and this is especially true when it comes to treating hair loss in black women.

Get familiar with how African American hair works. How often do black people wash their hair? How long does it take black hair to grow? When should you cut hair for growth? These are just a few of the questions you ponder as you begin this journey.

Our article on black hair vs white hair is a great resource for this. By learning what makes your hair unique, you can make sure you are taking the right steps to help your hair grow back strong and healthy. We also have an article on how to take care of natural black hair. There, you'll learn what it takes to stimulate black hair growth.

But really, it's simple. You need to detoxify your bloodstream, increase circulation to the scalp, and feed your hair the inputs it needs to grow strong. The steps we outline below will all work towards one of these goals. Let's start with one of the best ways to treat hair loss for black women - or anyone, for that matter. It's time to overhaul your hair care products.

Ditch Toxic Hair Care Products

The products you use to wash, condition, and style your hair can make all the difference when it comes to how your hair looks - and how well it grows. Unfortunately, many commercial shampoos and conditioners contain harsh chemicals that strip natural oils from the scalp and strands. When this happens, your scalp loses its protective barrier, your hair becomes dry and brittle, and the potential for hair loss increases.

The best solution is to ditch these commercial shampoos, conditioners, and styling products. If you can't bring yourself to do this cold turkey, start weaning yourself off these toxic products slowly by replacing them with gentler alternatives. You can learn more in our article talking about stuff in shampoo that causes hair loss - as this applies to just about all the products you apply to your hair and scalp.

And while you're throwing out those nasty products that have caused your hair to start shedding at an alarming rate, here's one you need to add to your arsenal...

Get a Specially Formulated Hair Serum for Black Hair

While making lifestyle changes is one of the most important steps to treating black hair loss, you also need to make hair treatments a part of your regimen. And for this, you'll need a hair serum specially formulated for African American hair. This is because - as we mentioned earlier - your hair is unique to your lineage. The vast majority of hair care products are tailored to white hair - and won't address your unique needs.

What increases hair growth and thickness for African Americans, though? We have a complete guide on the topic for you - but there are a few key ingredients to seek out in any potential product you add to your hair care journey:

  • Horsetail
  • Peppermint
  • Argon Aloe
  • Biotin
  • Ginseng
  • Coconut
  • Tea Tree

But, if you're looking for the best hair growth products for black women, Rennora Beauty is the premier choice. The results black women such as yourself have gotten with this treatment are astounding. In fact, this solution is backed up by a 90-day money-back guarantee.

If you're serious about restoring your hair health to what it once was, you'll need this serum in your life. Just take a look at some of the results yourself and see what's possible! To reap the full benefits of this treatment, though, you also need to dial in your nutrition...

Take Note of Nutrition

We spoke earlier about the role nutrition plays in your hair health. This is such an important aspect of how to treat hair loss in black women that we wrote a complete guide addressing the foods that promote healthy hair growth.

Essentially, there are two things you need to take a look at when overhauling your diet: the foods that cause hair loss and the foods that encourage healthier hair. When it comes to foods that cause hair loss, unfortunately, it's many of your favorites.

Compounds like gluten, sugar, and dairy can all cause inflammation in the body that has a knock-on effect on how well your hair grows. Inflammation at the scalp encourages the production of DHT, which as you now know, contributes to hair loss. So - all of this is to say a low-sugar, lactose-free, and gluten-free diet is your best weapon in the first against hair loss.

On the other side of the coin, though, you have foods that are nutrient-rich and promote better blood circulation to the scalp. These include organic fruits and veggies (especially leafy greens), nuts and seeds, lean meats, and fish. But, anything containing antioxidants, key vitamins, and protein is worth adding to your diet. These will help strengthen your hair and fight off the free radicals that can contribute to scalp inflammation.

If you need an extra boost, supplements like biotin can also be useful in how to treat hair loss in black women. We encourage you to find a multivitamin sourced from whole foods - these are the most bioavailable source of nutrition to round out your body's needs.

Be Patient

When it comes to how to treat hair loss in black women, patience is a virtue. The results won't happen overnight - the full hair regrowth cycle can take up to 6 months. In fact, you may notice more shedding when you first set out on this journey.

Don't freak out so quickly - that's actually a good thing. It's a sign your body is feeling those changes you've made and the old hair is moved aside to make room for stronger, healthier new hair. We recommend you read our article covering hair breakage vs new growth so you know how to distinguish between the two.

You won't start to see noticeable changes for at least 3-6 months - which means you need to be willing to commit to that timeline if you're going to embark on this journey. And, you need to be consistent in all the treatments & changes we've suggested. This isn't going to be easy, but you can do it - especially with our powerful hair serum on your side!

Closing Thoughts on How to Treat Hair Loss in Black Women

We hope this article inspires you to start your own journey to making hair loss a thing of the past - and even encouraging new growth! Now that you know how to treat hair loss in black women, what are you waiting for?

Learn how to take care of your hair, ditch those harmful hair care products, grab Rennora Beauty's hair serum, overhaul your diet, and get this process underway! The sooner you start, the sooner you'll look in the mirror and see the thicker, healthier, happier hair that you've been dreaming of.