What ingredient in shampoo causes hair loss? | Rennora Beauty

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What ingredient in shampoo causes hair loss?

What ingredient in shampoo causes hair loss? If you feel as if your shampoo could be the cause of hair loss, or even just poor hair health, you've come to the right place. Today, we're going to talk about all the stuff in shampoo that causes hair loss.

Your diet, stress levels, and your choice of hairstyle have all been improved in an effort to curb hair shedding or hair loss. Even then, you cannot seem to figure out what's making your hair fall out at an alarming rate, and you haven't been able to stop it. The longer this goes on, the harder it will be to get back to healthy hair that you're proud to show off.

That's why it's important to evaluate your shampoo and take a close look at the list of ingredients. Compare your bottle to the list of shampoo ingredients that causes hair loss below and you'll be able to feel confident in either continuing to use your bottle or throwing it in the trash and replacing it.

We know you're eager to restore your hair and love who you see in the mirror again - so, let's not waste any time.

Can Certain Stuff in Shampoo Really Cause Hair Loss?

Shampoo, believe it or not, is frequently the culprit behind hair loss. There is, of course, some irony in this. The substances we use to clean and improve the appearance of our hair could be the source of hair loss. This can be frustrating - especially when you are struggling to determine if you're experiencing new hair growth or breakage.

Many of the components on the back of a shampoo bottle would be unfamiliar to you if you looked at the list on the back of the bottle. However, substances that induce hair loss are included in this list.

These compounds can also be found in other hair products. Perhaps there would be less of a problem if the shampoo was designed solely to clean your hair.

However, as we'll see, there are a few compounds in shampoo that might trigger hair loss, so be cautious. When you hear about the other items that these chemicals can be present in, you'll see why they can be so damaging to your hair.

What Ingredient in Shampoo Causes Hair Loss? A List of Stuff to Avoid

So, what ingredient in shampoo causes hair loss? At this point, we're ready to introduce you to all the shampoo ingredients you should avoid - at least, if you want to keep your hair loss minimal and enjoy a healthy, happy scalp!

First, we're going to introduce you to one of the most harmful shampoo ingredients you'll find on labels. Interestingly enough, this is the ingredient that can be found in the greatest quantity too!

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Laureth Sulfate

When you wash your hair, you probably expect a big, bubbly foam from your shampoo. Did you realize, however, that the chemicals that help in the production of that lather may be causing you to lose hair?

Chemical foaming ingredients like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Laureth Sulfate are often found in mass-market shampoos.

Sulfates, also known as sulphates, are surfactants that help to lessen the surface tension between the shampoo and your hair. This permits the active components in your shampoo to more efficiently clean the oil, debris, and dead skin from your scalp.

Sulfates are safe to use in small amounts and help the shampoo clean more effectively. Shampoos with high levels of SLS and Laureth Sulfate, on the other hand, may strip your hair's natural keratin and oils.

Hair is made up of 91 percent protein; therefore, when that protein is damaged or removed, it causes hair to become weaker. Researchers discovered that when hair was immersed in a sulphate solution, it lost twice as much protein as hair immersed in water in a study published in Colloids and Surfaces. This depletion of protein weakens your hair, which can result in split ends and hair breakage.

While Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Laureth Sulfate are not directly linked to hair loss, high levels of these sulphates in your shampoo can damage the proteins in your hair, increasing the likelihood of hair breaking, as well as irritate your skin, causing you to lose even more hair.

Sodium Chloride

If you don't know what this chemical is, here's an example of a regular, everyday chemical with a terrifying name. Sodium chloride is composed up of sodium, which explodes when it comes into contact with water, and chlorine, which is exceedingly hazardous. When you combine the two, though, you get basic table salt. This is something you consume every day.

However, consuming is not the same as shampooing. Sodium chloride, as you may know, dries up the environment. It thickens shampoo, but it can also dry up your scalp, making it difficult to freshen and grow hair. This can even lead to scalp eczema black hair if left unchecked. Learn more in our article discussing black hair and dry scalp problems.


Perhaps it hasn't occurred to you before, but as you study the bottles of shampoo and conditioner in your bathroom, you might wonder if they ever expire.

Shampoos and conditioners can last from 12 to 24 months once opened, thanks to preservatives including formaldehyde and parabens (propylparaben and methylparaben).

The increased shelf life of shampoos, on the other hand, has drawbacks, as the parabens described above may cause hair loss indirectly. According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology, parabens can cause allergic contact dermatitis and flare-up concerns like skin irritation, itching, and peeling, all of which can lead to hair loss.

A study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences states that parabens may induce hormonal abnormalities that promote hair loss and impact menstruation and pregnancy.


This molecule, commonly known as DEA, is present in minute concentrations. These are used in cosmetics and shampoos to give the shampoo a creamy feel and to promote foaming.

It's terrible that so much of what goes into shampoo is focused on the appearance or feel of using it rather than the effect it has on your hair.

DEA, in any case, is a proven carcinogen with a wide range of skin irritation and other health consequences. It's one of the most hazardous compounds on our list, so try to stay away from it.


Despite the fact that it has a similar name and chemical composition to the preceding entry on this list, this substance – also known as TEOA or TELA – is far safer.

Although it has some negative side effects, it's primarily used to balance pH levels and as a makeup remover. It's also found in a number of ear-related medications. However, it isn't completely safe for your hair. TEOA is a skin irritant and allergy that affects the scalp and has long-term consequences for your hair.


Alcohol will be present in the formulation of most, if not all, mass-market hair products. However, not all alcohols are created equal (or are necessarily bad for your hair), such as fatty alcohols like cetyl, cetearyl, and stearyl, which soften and moisturize your hair.

Propanol and isopropyl alcohol are two alcohols to avoid in hair products since they might dry out your hair and make it more prone to breakage. Avoid hair products that list alcohols among the first few components, as they are listed in order of highest concentration in the product.

Propylene Glycol (PEG)

Propylene glycol (also known as polyoxyethylene or polyethylene) thickens shampoos and conditioners the same way sodium chloride does.

While propylene glycol does not encourage hair loss directly, it can dehydrate your hair, making it brittle and prone to breaking.


Quaternium-15 is the most hazardous chemical on our list, and it should be avoided in any shampoo for reasons other than hair health. It possesses antibacterial characteristics and was once employed as a preservative.

The same ingredient that destroys microorganisms, however, might harm your health. It has been discovered to be a highly toxic substance with the ability to cause cancer and a significant risk of allergic reactions. It also emits formaldehyde, which has its own set of negative consequences.


Lanolin is a natural product made from the secretions of sheep's skin. It doesn't affect the sheep and is pretty safe to make, but it's still something you should avoid.

It's a conditioner and emulsifying agent in shampoo. It strips hair of the healthful oils it needs to stay strong and renew, just like many other chemicals on this list.


Petroleum is a type of chemical that is used in the production of everything from Vaseline to gasoline. When included in products like shampoo, it's often utilized as a grease or oil replacement to give hair a healthy-looking shine.

Of course, the issue is that this is replacing the natural oils that your body produces. You're removing them and replacing them with a subpar synthetic alternative, preventing them from being naturally recovered.

Mineral Oil

Mineral oil is an inorganic oil that performs similar functions in shampoos and conditioners as petroleum. It's there to replenish the oils you've stripped from your hair, and as we've already stated, stripping those oils harms hair.

When you try to replace those oils with artificial alternatives, it may appear healthier at first, but the shine fades soon, and the natural oils cannot reestablish themselves.

Chemical Fragrances

For many of us, the aroma of shampoo is a deciding factor in our purchase. Isn't it natural to reach for a bottle of shampoo and smell it?

Chemical scents are found in shampoo, as well as other beauty products. These scents may smell lovely, but they can potentially induce hormone imbalances. Changes in hormone levels have been shown to exacerbate hair loss.

So, the next time you're tempted to buy a shampoo simply because it smells wonderful, reconsider! Strong chemical fragrances can cause a lot of damage to your hair.

Final Thoughts on Stuff in Shampoo That Causes Hair Loss: Ingredients to Avoid

So, there you have it - a list of stuff in shampoo that causes hair loss. Now that you know which shampoo ingredients that cause hair loss, you can simply inspect your bottle and throw it out if necessary. Then, start shopping for a new one!

But remember - replacing the stuff in shampoo that causes hair loss with a healthier alternative is just one step to stopping hair loss. You also need to go about promoting black hair growth by learning how to take care of natural black hair. We have a complete guide to help you get started on the right foot. You should also add foods that promote healthy hair growth to your diet, too.

However, you can really supercharge your hair growth and prevent damaged hair strands from falling out through with the right hair products. And, if you're looking for the best hair growth serum for black hair, you'll find it at Rennora Beauty!

Consider a life free of bald spots, unseen edges, thinning hair, and slow hair development. With Rennora Hair Growth Serum, women with type 3 and type 4 hair can experience dramatic benefits in as little as two weeks!

It contains a unique blend of ancient organic herbs and natural vitamins that stimulate your hair follicles and boost new hair development from difficult areas, making it ideal for women of color.

Our hair products speak for themselves - just take a look at some of the results on our site. Then, grab yours today and prepare for the transformation you've been waiting for!